"When I'm securely attached to myself and my body, it's easy to feel secure with others"

-Zoe Wells

Aloha! My name is Zoe. Nothing pleases me more than supporting people on their journey to secure attachment with self, others and body.

What I offer:

  • Coaching
  • Bodywork
  • Personal Training & Corrective Exercises
  • Psychedelic integration

MY Credentials:

  • Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Certified Nutrition Coach
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • YTT200HR
  • Heart centered counseling apprenticeship under Joan Heartfield, PhD

I'm here to support you:

  • Cultivate a secure relationship with yourself that invites ease and grace with your eating, exercise, self talk and relational behaviors.
  • Improve chronic pain patterns with bodywork and corrective exercises.
  • Develope an intuitive movement practice that supports your body.
  • Release weight that no longer serves you if you so desire.

Real change occurs in the mind and then the body follows. Changing the story we have about ourselves and our bodies is the first step towards lasting change.

brown and white steak on white ceramic plate

About me:

In 2012 I moved to Maui from Oregon.

I struggled with binge eating disorder, sugar addiction, smoking, drinking, drugs, major dental problems, depression and self hate. I was heavily reliant on my coping mechanisms. I experienced a lot of self induced suffering!

A few car accidents later it became abundantly clear that I could no longer live the life I was living, I suffered a bad spinal injury that prompted me to seek out all kinds of healing modalities and I began a journey of deep healing.

I've been immersed in all kinds of structural bodywork modalities, psychedelics, talk therapy modalities, functional patterns corrective exercise training, martial arts, personal training, Codependents anonymous, yoga teacher training, biodynamic farming, etc.

Over the course of the last 12 years I have lost 50 pounds, I no longer struggle with depression and addiction, I love my body, I enjoy exercise and food in a balanced way, and my relationships are heatlhier than ever.

I'm not perfect, but I can honestly say I absolutely love myself and enjoy more peace in my mind, heart and body than I ever thought possible, and I want this for everybody.